The Oedipus complex is part of Freud's psychosexual theory. This theory states that as we grow old we go through different stages, and this stages start since the moment of birth and until adolescence and adulthood.
The stages are:
- Oral
- An al
- Phallic
- Latency
- Genital.
The Oedipus complex is the most important characteristic of the phallic stage.
The name of this complex derives from a Greek myth in which Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother (unknowingly). Once he discovers what he did, he pokes his eyes and becomes blind.
According to Freud, children from 3 to 6 years old go through this Phallic stage and the conflict arises when the boy develops desires for his mother. Since he cannot take her mom as "spouse" the boy resolves this problem by imitating masculine dad-type behaviors and this is how boys resolve the Oedipus complex.
Task Analysis
In the example in the book, Juke helped a tennis coach improve her players' skills. But before Juke intervened, he and the coach broke each skill into its detailed component parts. This is an example of task analysis.
It is the process of in which a we learn about ordinary users by observing them in action and to understand in detail that how they are performing their tasks to achieve their objectives.
<em>Adaptive Processes</em>
Adaptive process <em>is the method of performing computations from a physical, natural, source on a set of measured or displayed information</em> (thought to be) in <em>such a manner as to create a finest parametric model of that physical source, one that best suits the observed information according to certain error criteria.</em>
The Answer fam is........... Nomads