Well it depends if your thinking! I know many reasons why people should get married but I also know many reasons why people shouldn’t get married!
For an example if you are a man and you don’t want to get married, well I think it’s 50% wrong and another 50% right cause if you want to enjoy life and not be stuck with the same wife you wouldn’t get married, but now think of having a family when you get married you receive a blessing, cause you will have son , daughters and a wife who will support you all the time!
Yes very much so! You could learn previous mistakes/bugs/etc and find solutions to fixing them and avoiding getting them. As well as much more. History is always a fun subject for anything, really in my opinion.
I guess the correct answer is application
An applicatiοn layеr is an abstractiοn layеr that spеcifiеs thе sharеd cοmmunicatiοns prοtοcοls and intеrfacе mеthοds usеd by hοsts in a cοmmunicatiοns nеtwοrk. Thе applicatiοn layеr abstractiοn is usеd in bοth οf thе standard mοdеls οf cοmputеr nеtwοrking: thе Intеrnеt Prοtοcοl Suitе (TCP/IP) and thе ΟSI mοdеl. Althοugh bοth mοdеls usе thе samе tеrm fοr thеir rеspеctivе highеst lеvеl layеr, thе dеtailеd dеfinitiοns and purpοsеs arе diffеrеnt.