So it is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Hope it helps
it means someone thought your response to something was helpful. :))
"sudo" is the command to get super user or root privileges in linux.
in order to install package with root privilege in linux, the command would be
sudo apt-get install <package name>
The program only runs 5 five since the for loop statement is limited to loop only five times.
In programming, a for-loop statement is used to repeat a collection of events a definite number of times. The number of loops is specified and compared with a variable to execute a block of code.
The for-loop statement in the code above declares and initializes a variable "i" to zero, runs the block of code, and increments by one if it is less than 5.
To make it run eight times, the value five should be changed to 8 instead.
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.