Piano has strings but isn’t considered traditional
Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in the dream realm.
Depending on your source, lucid dreaming is understanding that you are dreaming. In a lucid dream, you can do whatever you wish, be wherever you are and see whoever you want. There is no such thing as spawning elsewhere, you are simply in the state of being conscious and aware that you are in your dream. Some people believe that dreams are your life in a different universe. It is up to you, your beliefs and imagination to determine what you think a lucid dream is.
Media. So, one piece of art can be made of one medium or
several media. If you've ever been to an art museum or gallery, you've
probably seen those little signs next to each piece that look something
like this:
'Oil on Canvas'
'Tempera on Wood'
'Ink on Silk
Italy was the country with the most foreign-language Oscars.
They currently have 14 awards and 29 nominations.
A. D. I totally geek out about that stuff. XD