- Indicate CLEARLY that you are uncomfortable with the behaviour. Say NO effectively and emphatically. It is more important to be firm than polite. If you are more comfortable not speaking to the perpetrator face to face, send an SMS or email. This message and the perpetrator’s reply may also be used as evidence.
- Collect evidence – Start a log and note down dates, times, places and who was present at the time of the incidents and give detailed accounts of the unwelcomed sexual behaviour.
- Keep any email or SMS correspondence with the harasser as evidence. Taped evidence is also useful.
- Alert or inform someone whom you trust at the workplace of the harassment. Talk to friends or family members that you trust about the incident. Even if they were not present at the harassment scene, they may be able to support your case as witnesses.
Simpler terms: Mkae sure you have said no, collect any possible evidence, Keep an email log with him/her as evidence, tell someome
For more: https://www.aware.org.sg/training/wsh-site/6-what-to-do/
Student and Teacher Attitudes
According to a 2005 Harris Interactive survey:
• A majority of youth know of LGBT classmates
• More than one-third of teachers know of an LGBT student
• Most teachers surveyed are committed
to keeping LGBT students safe and creating school climates that are safe and supportive learning environments (Harris Interactive & GLSEN, 2005)
Anxiety may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these.
When sperm fertilizes an egg, this is called a zygote.
<h3>What is Babinski?</h3>
The Babinski reflex occurs after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. This reflex occur normal in children up to 2 years.
Very young infants have demonstrated a preference for their mother’s lap because they feel safe in it.
Holding up chest---Crawling---Sitting alone----Standing alone are the order of motor skills performed by infants.
According to Noam Chomsky, infants are born with an LAD, which stands for the Language Acquisition Device.
In the preconventional level of moral development, avoiding punishment and receive rewards.
The discriminate Attachment stage of attachment between a child and its primary caregiver occurs when the child is about 6 or 7 months old.
The three major types of parenting styles are authoritarian, permissive and authoritative.
Learn more about zygote here: brainly.com/question/26087722