(B). Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a potentially severe sleep disorder, where breathing stops and starts repeatedly. If you snore loudly and feel exhausted even after a whole night's sleep, you can have an apnea for sleep, It increases sleepiness during the day, which may lead to accidents.
The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea in adults is excess weight and obesity, which is linked to mouth and throat soft tissue, it is an involuntary cessation of breathing that occurs while the patient is asleep, the Greek word “apnea” literally means “without breath.”
Symptoms like momentarily waking, gasping for air, and then snoring which Charles displayed, are also signs of sleep apnea.
The main goal was to enslave native Americans and the purpose was to use the slaves as a labour source.
Darrius was able to maintain control of such a large empire because he established a different currency for each of the provinces, he adopted a monotheistic religion and he founded the construction of across his empire.
Answer: is immune from the jurisdiction of the US court
Under the The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, the US does not have jurisdiction to try the case
I would definitely exclude maritime science and environmental science: both are more focused on the life and interaction of various parts of ocean, and less on the form of the rocks.
It is in fact a sub-discipline of both geology and eceanography: it's a part of geology by the virtue of focusing on rocks, and it's part of oceanography by the virtue of focusing on the rocks on the ground of the oceans