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5 Issues at the Constitutional Convention. When the 55 delegates gathered in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation, there were several major issues on the agenda to discuss including representation, state versus federal powers, executive power, slavery, and commerce.

How animal farm film was a propaganda used by America
the social standing or class of an individual or group
Hi so here is an example Nitroglycerin. Nitro is used to dilate blood vessels. It is a base drug in the toolkit of emergency providers, and a lot of medicine cabinets. Normally nitro is administered through either a tablet or spray, placed underneath the tongue. The spray has an increased surface area which means it can enter the bloodstream all at once very fast. so the effects can be seen near instantaneously. Nitro can be ingested, and unless you want to die of massive hypotension you don't dump an entire years worth of pills in one go. Also Nitro tends to just be a very fast acting drug
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