Climate change has the effect of determining migration of people.
A hazardous environment eg. changes in rainfall patterns, increase in temperature, sea level rise, cyclone frequency has the effect of people migrating to cooler places whereas a conducive environment has the effect of attracting more people to settle there.
the three kinds of nitrogenous wastes based on the energy required to synthesize them are arranged; Ammonia < urea < uric acid.
Nitrogenous wastes are the nitrogen compounds that organisms use to get rid of excess nitrogen. Ammonia, urea, and uric acid are the most common nitrogenous wastes that animals excrete. Protein metabolism generates all of these nitrogenous wastes.
Ammonia is the most toxic of these nitrogenous wastes, and it is the most common but requires the least energy. Urea is more harmful than uric acid, but it is less harmful than ammonia, reducing the amount of energy required to synthesize it. Uric acid is the least harmful, a non-poisonous particle with four nitrogen molecules. This is useful for birds and reptiles that lay hard eggs because it eliminates the most nitrogen, uses the least amount of water, and is not toxic. It also takes the most energy input.
Know more about urea here:
Answer is option A.
Vestigial features are fully developed and functional in one group of organisms but reduced and function less in a similar group.
- Vestigial structures are anatomical features such as cells, tissues or organs in an organism that are previously functional and performed some important functions in the organism but no longer serve any functions in the current form of the organism and become useless as a result of a large evolutionary change. Examples include the coccyx or the tailbone in humans, the pelvic bone of a snake, wisdom teeth in humans, nipples in human males, the wings of flightless birds such as kiwi, ostrich, etc.
- Homologous features are the features that are similar in different organisms having similar embryonic origin and development and are inherited from a common ancestor that also had that feature. Also, they might have different functions. An example is the presence of four limbs in tetrapods such as crocodiles, birds, etc.
- Analogous features are the features that are superficially similar in different organisms but had separate evolutionary origins i.e., different in origin, but similar in function. An example includes the wings on a fly, a moth, and a bird where the wings were developed independently as adaptations to perform the common function of flying.
- Polygenic features are the traits or features that are controlled by multiple genes that are located on the same or different chromosomes and are also affected by the environment. These features do not follow Mendel’s pattern of inheritance and are represented as a range of continuous variation. Examples of polygenic traits or features include skin color, height, hair color, eye color, etc. For example, there is wide variation in the human skin color (from light to dark) and height (short or tall or somewhere in between).
- Sympatry describes a species or a population that inhabit the same geographic region at the same time. In sympatric speciation, new species are evolved from a surviving ancestral species while both the species inhabit the same place at the same time i.e., in a single population, reproductive isolation occurs without geographic isolation.
Anterograde amnesia is the inability to create new memories after the onset of amnesia, while memories from before the event remain intact. Brain regions related to this condition include the medial temporal lobe, medial diencephalon, and hippocampus. Anterograde amnesia can be caused by the effects of long-term alcoholism, severe malnutrition, stroke, head trauma, surgery, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, cerebrovascular events, anoxia, or other trauma. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall memories made before the onset of amnesia. Retrograde amnesia is usually caused by head trauma or brain damage to parts of the brain other than the hippocampus (which is involved with the encoding process of new memories). Brain damage causing retrograde amnesia can be as varied as a cerebrovascular accident, stroke, tumor, hypoxia, encephalitis, or chronic alcoholism. The there is encoding failure. Encoding is the process of converting sensory input into a form able to be processed and stored in the memory. However, this process can be impacted by a number of factors, and how well information is encoded affects how well it is able to be recalled later. On the other hand, retrieval failure is the failure to recall information in the absence of memory cues. Proactive interference occurs when old memories hinder the ability to make new memories. In this type of interference, old information inhibits the ability to remember new information, such as when outdated scientific facts interfere with the ability to remember updated facts. This often occurs when memories are learned in similar contexts, or regarding similar things. It’s when we have preconceived notions about situations and events, and apply them to current situations and events.Retroactive interference occurs when old memories are changed by new ones, sometimes so much that the original memory is forgotten. This is when newly learned information interferes with and impedes the recall of previously learned information. The ability to recall previously learned information is greatly reduced if that information is not utilized, and there is substantial new information being presented. This often occurs when hearing recent news figures, then trying to remember earlier facts and figures.
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