Energy input would be what's giving the source energy. Energy output is what energy it's giving out.
Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack organelles or other internal membrane-bound structures. Therefore, they do not have a nucleus, but, instead, generally have a single chromosome: a piece of circular, double-stranded DNA located in an area of the cell called the nucleoid.
Bacteria are not dependent on telomerase to complete synthesis.
Euglena is green in color because of the chlorophyll that is contained in the chloroplast of that organism and the body structure that is located at its base is known as flagellum
Euglena are species that are found in the fresh and salt water. They are abundantly found in inland waters where they manage themselves to bloom in large amount and color the water surface of ditches and ponds green.
This green color which them form are mainly due to the chlorophyll that is contained in the chloroplast of the organism. chlorophyll is known to be the pigment that is responsible for the green color.It is the cause for the green color in this case too.
Euglena contains a specialized body structure which is located at the base of the tail by which it manages to move.
This specialized structure is known as Flagellum.