It was the famous Theodor Escherich who is a famous German bacteriologist that discovered the E. coli and was also known for his research in the area of protein synthesis. In addition to that, Theodor Escherich discovered the bacteria type when he examined its samples from a patient suffering from gastroenteritis.
It wouldn't be able to survive
If the pH goes up than the coral reefs wouldn't be able to live and if they can't live there then there wouldn't be any life. There wouldn't be shelter for the fish and if there is no fish then the ecosystem would collapse.
Transferred to a different chromosome without a reciprocal exchange of genetic material
Translocation is one of the structural abnormalities of chromosomes. During translocation, a segment from the chromosome breaks off and attaches to the non-homologous chromosome. Translocation can be reciprocal or nonreciprocal.
In reciprocal translocation, the exchange of chromosomal segments occurs between two non-homologous chromosomes. On the other hand, the nonreciprocal translocation, one chromosome loses its segment to a non-homologous chromosome but does not get the same from the recipient chromosome.