Thanks gehethehehfhehe gh hehehtejgjejdhjukufkrbrb
Срање Дреидал Дреидал Дреидал маца
Answer: Yeet is a versatile word that can be used as an exclamation, a verb, or even a noun. As an exclamation it can be used to express excitement, usually happily but also nervously. It can also be used as an exclamation of victory.
Hope this helps!!
Time is precious. Some people take time for granted but you never really know how important it is until your lying awake at night worrying and crying that you have no control over the dangers in this world. You think maybe I shouldn't say that or maybe I should try to be kinder to my siblings. Time slips away. You have to saver what you have. Make every moment count.
The six indirect object pronouns in spanish are:
- me for 1st person in singular
- te for 2nd person in singular
- le for 3rd person in singular
- nos for 1st person in plural
- os for 2nd person in plural
- les for 3rd person in plural
These type of pronouns are written before the verb, when the sentence has only a conjugated verb, for example:
La profesora <em>le </em>dio un libro a Juan
There is another case, in which the sentence has two verbs:
- The first in infinitive form and,
- The second verb
So, the Indirect Object Pronoun is written after the infinitive verb and the conjugated verb, for example:
The sentence without the Indirect object pronoun:
Yo <em>voy </em> <u><em>dar</em></u> la pelota a Juan
<em>voy </em>is the verb in infinitive form and <u><em>dar</em></u> is the second verb
The same sentence, now using the Indirect object pronoun:
Yo <em>voy</em> a <em><u>dar</u></em><em><u>le</u></em> la pelota
voy is the verb in infinitive form and the pronoun <em>le </em>comes after the second verb
Note that these kind of pronouns are also used to replace the Indirect object in the sentence