The answer is "Speciation".
When a population of organisms gives rise to new more species and this new species cannot effectively breed with one another, the term for the process is called Speciation. It refers to the evolutionary process in which the reproductively isolated populations of species evolve to become distinct species.
The specific term to characterized the downward
growth of roots in response to earth’s gravity pull is called positive geotropism.
The word geotropism was derived from two words, “geo” which means ground and “tropism”
which describes a plant movement elicited by a gravitational stimulus.
In addition, the root cap makes the roots turn
downward as they grow for they have specialized cells with sensors called
statoliths that settle to the lowermost part of the root cap in response to the
pull of gravity and help the cell multiply more rapidly in a downward direction.
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American Citizens have the right to vote, due process, live and work in the United States and to receive federal assistance, as well as freedom of expression.
Citizens have the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Government, under the Constitution, was designed to “Promote the General Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty.”
Forests play an important role in the economic development of a country. They provide several goods which serve as raw materials for many industries. Wood grown in forests serves as a source of energy for rural households.
Most of the world’s paper is made from wood and one rather reliable index to the degree of economic development of a country is its per capita consumption of paper. As an economy develops economically, paper is used as packaging material, in communications and in scores of other uses. No really satisfactory substitute for paper exists for many of its uses.
While it has long been recognized that forests play many roles in the economic development of a country in addition to providing wood fiber for many uses, the non-wood outputs of forests are coming increasingly to be recognized and valued everywhere in the world. Forests have watershed values especially in areas with fragile and easily eroded soils; tree cover may be highly valuable simply as protection to the watershed.
Forests are valued as a place for outdoor recreation. The kinds of forests most valuable for outdoor recreation are not always the same as the kinds most valuable for wood production and vice versa. The dense forest with trees closely spaced to take full advantage of the sunlight, moisture and fertility to grow wood, is often less attractive to the recreationist than a more open forest.
Forests are the home for many species of wildlife including mammals, reptiles and birds. Some of these forms of wildlife are clearly valuable to man. Ecologists have been much disturbed at the reduction in wildlife numbers, sometimes to the point of extinction, as tropical forests are cleared.
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Basalt is the usually hard and black volcanic rock formed from (liquid) balsalitc lava