Yes and No.
By today's standards, they would be considered barbaric, but back then, compared to the babylonians, they were kind. They were the first nation in the world too use puppet states, and allow thier western regions in the middle east to self govern, they were still conqueres though, and when the Greeks invaded them, pushing them all the way into India, they reformed the process of puppet states more. So thus, its yes and no.
72,000 because it's 20 miles per second times 60 equals 1,200 minutes times 60 equals 72,000 miles per hour
the us tried to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam, it went badly because the Vietnam knew more area of land than the us did, resulting in unexpected attacks from the Vietnam. after quick attacks the Vietnam would retreat to the forest, where they had multiple bunkers that connected to one another so they could appear in multiple places in in a short amount of time.