The correct answer the Urban League.
<em>The device that was not designed to expand democratic participation in American politics was the Urban League.
In 1920, the agency called the National Urban League was created. The aim of the League was to eliminate many racial issues such as the racial segregation and racial discrimination. The National Urban League tried to help minorities and African Americans to better integrate into the social life of the United States.
The correct option is : Leonid Brezhnev
The Antiballistic Missile Treaty or the ABM Treaty was an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the number of anti-ballistic missile systems (ABM) for the defender of anti-missile sites with a nuclear charge. On May 26, 1972, US President Richard Nixon and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev, signed this treaty, which was in force for 30 years, until 2002. June 13, 2002, Six months after announcing it, the United States withdrew from the agreement.
SALT II is the agreements between the United States and the Soviet Union for agreements that limit the production of the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Weapons loaded are officially launched in Helsinki in November 1969. After arduous negotiations, Leonid Brezhnev on behalf of the USSR and Richard Nixon for the USA. UU signed the SALT agreements in Moscow in May 1972. This is a contract for the construction of strategic armaments and fixed on the number of intercontinental missiles (ICBM) and submersible missile launchers (SLBM) owned by the USSR and the USA. UU
The correct answer is Option B and C
B. they helped maintain order in society
C. he mediated disagreements over business contracts
The Code of Hammurabi is an ancient and well preserved code of law from the times of Mesopotamia Empire dated close to 1754 B.C.
It is named after the Babylonian King, Hammurabi and it is found on a piece of large stone slab.