The policy of tax cut will be less effective in country B than in country A since the value of the tax multiplier is lower in country B.
The multiplier effect refers to the increase in final income arising from any new injections.
Calculating the Multiplier Effect for a simple economy
k = 1/MPS
A = 1/0.1 =10
B= 1/.5=2
<span>This is a corporation. Corporations usually consist of boards of directors and other groups of people, and can continue to exist even after the founders of the business cease to exist or otherwise leave their founding role.</span>
<span>A flaw in the governor's reasoning is that a lot of people in that age bracket who are already juvenile delinquents aren't going to stop doing bad things just because they might get paid more at a job. Those people may just not want to have a job and would rather enjoy their youth causing trouble before they have to "settle" into a career.</span>
d) 15 dias
O Ciclo Financeiro, ou Ciclo de Caixa, é o tempo entre a saída de pagamentos (no caso fornecedores) e a entrada de recebimentos (vendas por exemplo).
Digamos que estamos em janeiro, começando o ano. A empresa em questão compra sua matéria prima no dia 1 com prazo de pagamento de 15 (pagar dia 15 de janeiro).
A empresa leva 10 dias para fabricar o produto final, o vendendo no dia 10 de janeiro. Ela vende, porém, recebendo somente 20 dias depois, dia 30 de janeiro.
Ela tem que pagar o fornecedor dia 15 de janeiro e recebe pela venda 30 de janeiro.
Assim, a empresa tem 15 dias entre ter que pagar pela matéria prima e receber pela venda do produto proveniente da mesma, constituindo assim o ciclo financeiro de 15 dias.
All Individuals, whether rich or poor,are dissatisfied with their material well-being and would like more.
Individuals wanting more and not being satisfied with their material well being goes back to the fundamental problem of economics-unlimited human wants. Economists argue that human wants are unlimited and insatiable irrespective of their economic class. Whether rich or poor, no man is satisfied with his material well-being. Every man still feel something is lacking after acquiring so much or so little. He still has the scarcity problem.
This never-ending desire is embedded in the physiological make up of a man. When a man gets food, then he wants house. When he gets house, he wants car. When he gets a car, he wants to buy a private jet. In short, the more he gets, the more he wants more.
And that`s is the reason why you would win $1 million and stills not satisfied with having enough. You would still believe you lack something. You would still want to acquire more just to solve this scarcity problem.
Other options do not explain the problem ; they just points at microeconomics and macroeconomics issues.