Owning housing option gives you more freedom and more responsibilities.
Owning a house has the following benefits:
- more freedom
- more responsibilities
- lower costs in long-term
- high appreciation value
Renting housing option factors are as follows:
- less freedom
- less responsibilities
- higher costs in long-term
- more flexibility
As per the above question, Owning housing option gives you more freedom and more responsibilities.
Following the U.S. Civil War, the Radical Republicans attempted to put a land reform through Congress, promising, 40 acres and a mule, to newly-freed blacks in the South, which was rejected by moderate elements as socialistic. This failure left blacks without an economic base, and was one of the key contributing factors to the development of sharecropping and segregation.
Khalifa Umar ibn Al-Khattab created the Hijiri calendar.
Banned smoking from resturants
Imperialism is more direct domination where an outside power completely takes over to create an empire and considers it as its own. Colonialism is where the existing state is not entirely dismissed, but it is still controlled.