Linear text.
Linear text is the most common type of text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.
In linear text, the arrangement of words is very important and plays a significant role in the meaning and message conveyed by the writer of the literary work. The words in a linear text are arranged either stylistically or grammatically.
It's basically how death is unavoidable and how it's a natural part of life.
Antony wants to make the people angry by manipulating the words of Brutus and favoring Caesar.
In the excerpt of Antony's speech above, he clearly does not agree with Brutus' description of Caesar as an ambitious person. The rhetorical questions he asked and the answers to them show clearly that Caesar was not ambitious. Surely, a person who wept with the poor and three times rejected kingly crown was in no way an ambitious person.
While Brutus castigated Caesar in his speech, Antony helped the people see his good side. When he later showed the crowd the will left by Caesar where every citizen had a share in Caesar's wealth, the people then clearly understood that Brutus and Cassius were the traitors.