Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter
Leota had to be upset that Mrs.Pike turned against her so her mind changed from being excited to being upset. It says that Leota is not mindful of her friends that she makes.
You cannot skip videos on edge, they have not allowed that but...
What you can do is skip a video if you have watched all of it EXCEPT 7 seconds. so some edge vids are like 8 sec, just wait 1 sec then skip it. for longer vids; for example, a video that is 2:30, just watch 2:29 minutes and 53 seconds, and u can skip the last 7 seconds remaining. I hope this helped.
I was walking alone on a dark road when I fell a hand on my back, then turned around to see a frail old man standing behind me. "excuse me but i'm lost" he whimpered out as his eyes constantly scanned the area. i smiled and told him ill walk him to the nearest gas station. As we begun to walk a guy runs past us almost knocking the old man over. As i begun to say something the old man stopped me and said in a low tone "hes been following you for a while now when you past by my home i couldn't help but feel as if i should do something". Tears filled my eyes, i couldn't believe that a complete stranger would help me. I then turned and hugged the old man tightly and thanked him for helping me out of a situation that could have turned for the worst.
if you look at number one in the first section . Everyone in the lab the experiment on page 30. Who was in the lab? everyone was. you would circle everyone and underline in the lab. What was on page 30? the experiment was. if you ask these questions to yourself it should clarify it... hope this helps.