No, Olympes de Gouges did not just add the word 'women' to the original declaration. She substantially changed the meaning of female citizenship in her declaration such that she moved for all women to recognize and claim their 'lost' rights in the current misogynistic era and that women have equal and natural rights as enjoyed by men. Although the Enlightenment speak of inalienable rights, the gender inequality of that time made Olympes question how ironic it was that the assumption of these natural rights aren't exercised by everybody - regardless of sexual roles and differences.
The Adams-Onís Treaty of February 12, 1819, also known as the "Transcontinental Treaty," which settled border disputes between the United States and the Spanish Empire, proved vital to the nation's security. The most significant element of the treaty was Adams's insistence that the boundary be extended to the Pacific .
The "poll tax" was an example of a voting requirement that was used to prevent African Americans from voting, since blacks were disproportionately poorer than whites during this time.