Dueling violated his religious and moral principles, defied the law, threatened the welfare of his family and put his creditors at risk.
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Answer:problem-focused; emotion-focused
A problem-focused approach is when someone tackles the problem at its head instead of shying away from it they look for solutions to that problem or a way to recover from it.
Yolanda looks at this problem of losing her job as an opportunity to upgrade her resume and move forward without focusing on what has failed but more on what can be her next success.
Emotion focused one looks at the way in which they can emotionally recover after a heart breaking situation , they look for emotional support .
They look for moral support and anything that can make them forget what happend , people who can make them feel better and regain their strength.
Pioneers of Renaissance Humanism were inspired by the discovery and spread of important classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome which offered a different vision of life and humanity than what had been common during previous centuries of Christian domination