If the ratio of girls to boys in Mr. Hansen's class is 4:5, and the ratio of girls to boys in Ms. Luna's class is 8:10, then the equation that correctly compares the ratio of both Mr. Hansen's class and Ms. Luna's class are 4/5 = 8/10.
Carlos graphed the perpendicular bisector of the segment that joins the two points. (a line)
Step-by-step explanation:
Carlos graphed the set of points that are equidistant from both point A and point B.
Carlos graphed the perpendicular bisector of the segment that joins the two points. (a line)
Answer: 192
Step-by-step explanation: 24 • 8
The volume of a sphere is found with the following formula:

The radius is raised to a power of 3. Since the radius is 2 <em>meters</em>, this means that the volume would be measured in
cubic meters.
9/100, let me know if this helps.