By protesting nonviolently and in a way that doesn't hinder normal life, merely bring attention to an important topic.
Honduras is east of El Salvador and north of Nicaagua
Star Spangled Banner. Flag that flew over Fort McHenry<span> during its bombardment in </span>1814.
The Federalists<span> felt that this addition wasn't necessary, because they believed that the </span>Constitution<span> as it stood only limited the government not the people. The Anti-</span>Federalists<span> claimed the </span>Constitution<span> gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression.</span>
New York was ruled by a governor and an elected assembly. The governor was appointed by the Monarch from England while the proprietors that owned all the land and also had an influence in the government, got to elect the assembly members