The average rate of an RN’s hourly wage is about a$32.66 an hour. This depends on where you work also.
If Korey has made the decision to bring on an extra hand to help run the store in the afternoons and the new employee will make $435 per month; then there are 2 changes that will happen to the monthly net income
1. Increased Revenue: Since the new employee will be bringing in additional revenue of $435, then the direct impact of that is an increment in the revenue line of the income statement
2. Increased Costs: Secondly, this change will affect Korey's monthly net income in the area of cost because he has to pay the extra hand some sort of monthly salaries which will have a reducing effect on profit.
The correct answer would be, Yes South Carolina would be compensating David as his property is now economically valueless.
Under the taking clause, 'The Beachfront Management Act was properly and validly designed to preserve South Carolina's beaches', which means that no one will be allowed to do any development project near beaches in order to save the beaches.
Though it is already written in the Act, The Beachfront Management Act barred any further development on the coasts of Carolina, which makes the purchased property of David as economically valuless, so South Carolina would be compensating him as the law has passed and they won't allow further development but they need to compensate the people who purchased the property on the beaches for the purpose of future business.
<span>Francine would be considered an entrepreneur because she is someone who initiates and assumes the financial risk of a new business enterprise.
</span>An entrepreneur is defined as someone who owns and operates a business or businesses and takes on a greater than normal financial risk to do that. An entrepreneur starts their own business and puts everything they have into making it successful, no matter the risk, they tend to take it to become successful.<span>