David Samuel, Solomon Hezekiah, and Saul Darius

<u>The war ended</u> in 1929 when the Mexican Episcopacy came to an agreement with the administration of Emilio Portes Gil. Approximately 250,000 people <u>were</u> killed during the <u>war</u>. The cause of the <u>war</u> was the enforcement of the anti-clerical provisions of the Constitution of 1917.
<u>NOTE</u>: I can't translate it in Spanish language , sorry.
Our heritage I believe is truly reflected in the things we say and do. For example, in Canada we have a strong pioneering spirit so that means that Canadians generally are not afraid to face the wilderness. For example, our geologists regularly go to work in say the Far North and brave the cold and the isolation to carry out their explorations.
The answer is the third option, a government that does not interfere with the economy.
The driving principle behind laissez-faire,that translates as "leave alone" is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be and the better off society will be. they oppose any sort of federal involvement in the economy, which includes any type of legislation or oversight; they are against minimum wages, duties, trade restrictions, and corporate taxes.