1969 - 1973 president richard m. nixon
Explanation assumed responsibility for the vietnam war as he swore the oath of office on january 20, 1969 . he knew that ending this war honorably was essential to his success in the presidency.
Well, if we are going to be entirely correct, Christopher Columbus never discovered America, but rather the Vikings did and he landed in Cuba, not mainland America. Anywho, he landed in 1492 with his three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Cortez and his men allied with neighboring tribes that also shared a hatred and dislike for the Aztecs. They besieged the aztec capital for around 90 days and with their superb weaponry and new disease called smallpox they were able to capture the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán.
The resolution of a monitor is measured in picture elements, or "pixels" for short. Pixels are tiny dots that display on a computer monitor in one of millions of colors, shades and hues.
The answer is false the Democratic Party embraced gay marriage.