Explanation: An open-ended question refers to a question which requires an elaborate rather than static or one word answer or reply. Open-ended questions aren't suited by a Yes or No answer. Open-ended questions are employed in interviews or investigations in other to hear a person's narration, opinion, view or explanation on a certain topic or issue.
The question "What do you feel is the most important crime problem facing the police in your city today?" requires the interviewee to give his opinion on the criminal problem facing the police in a domain or area. ImA static, one word answer does not suit the kind of question.
<u>Open questions</u> <u>are usually used in questionnaires to identify the entire range of answer possibilities that a question has</u>, it applies in some cases when the interviewer has little information about a topic and wants to explore it through the respondents or wants to explicitly know the point of In view of the respondent, with this type of question the respondent can answer more broadly and even cover associated topics.
In essence, the Massachusetts Bay Colony expelled Roger Williams for having the wrong beliefs. His expulsion also happened because he was a threat to those who held political power. ... Roger Williams got in trouble for two main reasons. First, he did not think the Puritan church in New England was pure enough.
Based on this description it seems that Jean Pierre is making a film of the French New Wave. This was an art film movement that emerged in the late 1950s and 60's becoming one of the most influential in cinema history. This was all due to its rejection of traditional filmmaking conventions in order to pursue more unique film methodology and experimentation. Using new approaches to editing, visual style, and narrative.
A precedent is a principle or
rule in court wherein a previous legal case is used to decide on subsequent
cases with similar issues or facts. This is called stare decisis, a principle
wherein judges use precedents for their decision.
The lender — whether it's a bank, a store, or a car dealer — makes money by charging you an extra amount over and above the amount of the loan itself. The amount of the loan is called the principal, and the extra amount they charge you to borrow the money is called interest.