sharecropping gave African Americans autonomy in their daily work and social lives, and freed them from the gang-labor system that had dominated during the slavery era, it often resulted in sharecroppers owing more to the landowner for the use of tools and other supplies.
Sharecropping is basically ex-slaves using tools from white farmers once slavery was abolished. The only problem was they had to pay for the tools used with money or the crops they grew.
Industrial Revolution.
Industrial revolution referred to the transformation of the traditional agriculture and handicraft economy to machine-based industries. The history of the industrial revolution is rooted in eighteenth-century England from where it spread to other Europeans nations and continents. Its characteristics include urbanization, mass-scale production, technological innovation, etc.
It is the current geologic processes. It means that the present condition is the key or solution to the past.
Further Explanation:
The doctrine means that geological processes are unchanged and there is a cataclysmic event occurring in the earth‘s history. All the geological processes workout in modifying the earth‘s crust that acts in the same manner regularly with the same intensity. This doctrine was advanced by James Hutton. All the physical laws are constant in time and space. All the processes must occur at the same rate or current rate. Any kind of gradualism led to the unfortunate consequence and can result in rejection of catastrophic events. Some of the geological features are misplaced fossils, misplaced players. This theory explains the evolution of earth which is constant and a continuous process. These all processes are identical and are happening with equal intensity as it was currently present. Uniformity is very essential and fundamental in understanding the past. It is sufficient for all the geological change. William Whewell introduced this term in 1832 that focuses on the fact that earth has originated from supernatural forces like a biblical flood. Uniformitarianism displayed the phenomena of the making of rocks.
Learn more:
1. How did California differ from the United States in terms of interactions of whites and natives?
2. Which issue did the Supreme Court answer in the case of Duncan v. Louisiana?
Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Chapter: Uniformitarianism
Subject: Social Science
Keywords: Geological processes, unchanged, modifying, earth crust, same intensity, gradualism, misplaced fossils, supernatural forces, biblical flood.
Answer: You conclude that this difference in standards of beauty is the result of different CULTURE.
Explanation: Culture is defined as the arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.
As an exchange student, you're in a different nation and different nations have different cultures which can be arts, customs, in this case LIFESTYLE. The lifestyle in the country is different from that of the United States hence the difference in standards of beauty.