His best bet is too go for a walk and think about his day and reflect on it
The story is narrated by Nick whom is remembering what happened that summer when he went to visit his cousin Daisy and he met Gatsby
In Cabeza de Vaca's account, when Lope de Oviedo saw many Indian huts empty, he stole a cooking pot, a dag, and some ruffs.
On the way back he met with two other Christians sent by Cabeza de Vaca, who notices that three Indians were following him, and later hundred Indian archers would join them, getting Cabeza de Vaca's people to feel in danger.
A. Three tragedies and one comedy
I'll be honest here, I did not know the answer off the top of my head!
So, I consulted randolphcollege.edu and found this:
"Twenty-five hundred years ago, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedes, and Aristophanes wrote their plays in verse for an annual five- or six-day spring festival of dramatic competition called the Great (or City) Dionysia and dedicated to Dionysus. Three tragedians competed at the festival, each presenting three tragedies and a satyr play* (a tetralogy) over the course of a day; five comedians each presented one play on the last day of the festival.
At first the people does not bluntly show gratitude to Jim, they treat what he does as his work which does not need gratitude. Later on, they learned that they must thank him for his work even if he gets paid for doing it. They should still show gratitude to him, this boosts his morale and will make him enjoy his work more.