Bodily functions are often a response to the sensation being felt by an individual, when an individual is relazlxed and in a good mood, the function of several body Organs are quite different from when such individual is undergoing a painful sensation. Therefore, Bodily functions are employed when evaluating the state or sensation which is occurring to an infant as they lack the ability to verbally express their feelings. Therefore, an infant whose Bodily functions exhibits increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased stress hormones, and decreased oxygen in the blood could be said to be undergoing pain.
Referent Power
A form of power gained by a leader that comes from the leader having strong interpersonal relationship skills. This power type is especially important in management and coaching.
1. is C Appalachian Mountains
2. I don't know this one
3. B. Stamp Act
4. A. Stamp Act
5. D. They were left with a large public debt and created unpopular taxes in order to pay it.
D. They are both mixed economies.
Raw materials:
Uncooked Noodles
Unthowed shrimp
Hope this was what your looking for!