I don’t see an italicized word? But gazed could be looking intently and in admiration. Dazzled could be amazed or kind of charming. Exotic could be unique or special.
I agree because young people are learning new things about the wirld everyday and we can make a difference and change old thing to make them better we aren't the old book we are the new one
I think it's that one. what one did you pick?
Parallelism --> which is basically a uniform sturcture.
so in this poem, the author has a structure that contains a past tense verb and ends with a certain body part.
past tense verbs: brushed, bathed, drawm
body partsL hair, hands, feet
Isn't it like this:
Small room in a police station. It somewhat resembles a doctor's waiting room, but not as comfortable. There is a row of 6 chairs and a counter. On the counter is a clipboard with a pencil attached with string and a "front desk" bell. Behind the counter is a computer generated sign that reads: "PLEASE SIGN IN".