Hyperbole to make it exaggeration. annompia to give some fun and intertainment personification to to add charactistic to the writing
If you’re looking for a primary source for an essay about income, you might want to check out your government’s website or see if your state has an official site with information.
Emerson is making a claim that people often take natural phenomena such as stars for granted.
Hope this helps :)
In this case, we just add the suffix. When we add the suffix to the words ending with consonant, nothing changes. For example, sad + <em>ness </em>= sadness or sad +<em>ly </em>= sadly. When we add the suffix to the words ending with vowel, again there is no change, because the suffix begins with a consonant. For example, state + <em>ment </em>= statement or force + <em>ful </em>= forceful.
She is worried about her parents because she knew the nazis were coming for the Jews.