The allusion refers to Albert Einstein and his scientific ideas
In conclusion, though the food is great and is remarkable, the reason Italy is known for more than one thing. The buildings, the population it goes on. Everything that had made up Italy will always be remembered.
Yes each year they try to do the same amount but end up adding about 10 more things to the original number . I would say your right with 30 assignments for semester so yes!
I think i may have had the same text and my answer was snake... hope this helps have a nice day
Dialectal has one definition:
Relating to or constituting a particular form or dialect of a language.
"dialectal variations in pronunciation"
Contraction has 4 definitions:
the process of becoming smaller.
"the general contraction of the industry did further damage to morale"
the process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter.
"neurons control the contraction of muscles"
a shortening of the uterine muscles occurring at intervals before and during childbirth.
"she was now in no doubt that she was having contractions"
the process of shortening a word by combination or elision.
a word or group of words resulting from shortening an original form.
"“goodbye” is a contraction of “God be with you.”"