Incorrect is one of the many words
Antonym Is Something That Is The Opposite Of That Subject.
The Answer Would Be C. Freeze
The topic sentence expresses the main idea of the paragraph combined with the writer’s attitude or opinion about the topic. Good topic sentences contain both a main idea and a controlling idea, are clear and easy to follow, use engaging vocabulary, and provide an accurate indication of what will follow in the rest of the paragraph.
Culture is specific to societies, hence movement to any new environment will challenge your way of life (identity). You must be ready to adapt to new ways of life which might be unusual or strange to you. But for the sake of a healthy coexistence, you ought to conform to the situations.
You need to state these challenges
* language barrier.
- communication gaps due to totally different languages.
* ethnocentrism
- when the people of your new country see their way of live as superior to your origin, you would have that difficulty in socializing effectively.
* cultural practices (unusual)
- you might be faced with unusual cultural practices which may make you so uncomfortable. Imagine living in "African" country where people are deliberately killed when a King dies. Just because they believe people have to accompany the dead King and serve him in his "new world".
Or being in places where their stature or outfit scares you. (Mursi lip plate) or (blood-letting in Arunachal Pradesh)