China is the largest textile producing and exporting country in the world.
His advice was to ride the white-winged horse Pegasus to the chimera's ledge.
The wisest man of Lycia advised Bellerophon to find Pegasus because it is the only way he could defeat the chimera, and he was right. The two of them became friends afterwards and were always seen together after the event.
After the Civil War Abraham Lincoln was just the first of many US Presidents to encourage immigration through economic and politic measures (one of them was to give free land to anyone willing to work it). The country needed people to rebuild itself and to settle the west of the continent. And everyone was aware that there is plenty of space.
The correct answer is 2.3 million tons of supplies were flown into West Berlin.
The splitting of East and West Berlin happened during the Cold War and was one of several changes Germany underwent after World War II. These airlifts helped in providing critical food and resources for individuals of West Berlin after the creation of the Berlin Wall.