Romanticism occurs after the bourgeois revolution of 1789, lasts until the mid-19th century, and is a kind of reaction to classicism. This literary direction regards the subject of creativity as one's feelings, emphasizes irrationalism, and seeks out its sources in folk art and the oral creation of one's own people, but also of foreign, often exotic peoples, and in distant historical periods.
It did not lead to the Civil War, what led to the civil war was the war of 1812. That was when U.S.A recognized that it needed to become stronger, and slaves were transported to the United States and put in the working class under bad conditions. Child labor and prejudice began there as well.
The Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge is a 44,414-acre (179.74 km2) wildlife conservation area along the coast of Texas (USA), east of the towns of Angleton and Lake Jackson, Texas. It borders Christmas Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway, separated from the Gulf of Mexico by Follet's Island.
Blitzkrieg, by definition, is "lightning warfare." Germany used ferocious extremely fast attacks to decimate their enemies in Europe.