Well, to put it plainly, it is very difficult for a society to develop a unique culture and role in global politics and economics when they have to worry about drinking clean water more than anything else.
The primary responsibility of scientist is to make honest and ethical presentation of data for making Environment laws because transparency in the data would help to determine the better strategies for Environment protection however narrow data standards or biased data who represent the interests of certain communities could lead to challenges and uncertainties in the form of Causalities which could produce crucial results.
d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder in which people have perpetual unpleasant thoughts that fully occupy them and lead to a need to repeat different action multiple times. For instance washing hands. That affects their life a lot and productivity, also mental state as they are anxious that they didn't do something good enough which cause doing numerous checkings in order to be sure that the specific thing is done. In the given situation, Chuan has OCD which leads to constantly going back to the first ten questions and checking if he marked them right. Also there is a consequence - he didn't have time to complete the whole test.
The United States is a highly developed country, with a strong economy in pratically every single economic sector: from agriculture, to many types of industry, to high-tech, to services.
People from abroad demand U.S. technology and capital goods because they know that it tends to be of high quality. This benefits the American people because it raises U.S. exports, which brings more income to Americans in the form of either U.S dollars or foreign currency that is later converted into U.S. dollars.
This makes the U.S. economy more dynamic, not only for those directly involved in the exporting business, but also for many other people who benefit indirectly from such exchanges.
1.- Because the reasons for teaching English were for personal growth and curriculum, a practice of mutual benefit, and became a massive international business.
2.- Ryan says that the TOEFL was given a lot of power and it became a weapon where the poorest were excluded, since the prices for the exam are very high and at the same time it does not let discover the intelligence of those who don´t approve it.3 .- The diversity of languages can help cooperation and improve understanding of some things, what someone may not understand in one language, someelse may do it in another.4.- He invented a cost free solar lamp, so that children of his village could have the same light to study as those who enjoyed electricity.5.- He meant that people who did not have their own light could never pass exams, do not let a language divide us and leave us in the dark, intelligence is not measured by how much English people speak.