I wish the author would have answered , In what way do the cell phones for soldiers particpants help military families? Another question is, How did these teens get their start in these programs?
weak verbs: help is overused and could be replaced with aid. serve could be replaced with contribute, share could be replaced with experience
4. we timed ourselves during the experiment
I believe that love comes in many different forms at all ages. it is possible for them to be in love because they may have been meant to be together. they could be soul mates, but never realized it. they are not too young to be in love.
The great thing about any Shakespearean Play is that there are always alternatives to any answer to any question. So in this case, her mental state is really a two edged sword.
I'm sure she did not fully see what the consequences of her part in Duncan's murder would be. To her, it was a simple matter of killing Duncan which would lead Macbeth from being Thane to King.
She sounds tough as she urges Macbeth to commit the dead. There's nothing I know of that contradicts that stance.
But what she finds out is that Macbeth has
- powerful enemies
- witches who are very crafty
- witches whose power Macbeth has not taken into consideration.
- witches whose prophecies Macbeth does not take the trouble to interpret
Lady Macbeth is not told enough to make her cautious. All she sees is the crown. I do not like her very much, but I do pity her.