<h3><u>☁ My answer...</u></h3>
The answer is <em>eux </em>which means <em>them.</em>
<h3><u>☁ Why...?</u></h3>
Because the underlined phrase is <em>les livres dont tu parles</em> in english <em>the books you're talking about </em>so it's <em>eux </em>or<em> them.</em>
<h3 /><h3>☁ 좋은 하루 되세요!! ☁</h3><h3 /><h2>-HunnyPeachy</h2>
1. To take a boat through different cities on a river:
Pour visiter différentes villes sur un bateau vous pouvez aller en Normandie.
2. To see the story of WIlliam the conqueror:
Pour tout savoir sur l'histoire de William le conquérant pour vous allez en Normandie.
3. What time period do children celebrate when they dress up in the regional costume and play regional games?
a. 11th century
4. Select the location of the following: menhirs and dolmens
c. Carnac
FIll in the blank with the correct adjective:
22. Je regarde un BEAU film ce soir.
23. Les filles regardent un VIEUX western.
d. Quels sports preférès-tu?
25. c. Quel film regardes-tu a la télé?
The answer would be Elles sont supers. Hope this helps :)
It's eighty It's eightyIt's eightyIt's eightyIt's eightyIt's eighty It's eighty It's eighty