An old coin, winning lottery ticket, or an old dollar.
It seems that the objects setting is in a wallet because it has a receipt, George Washington's ugly green face(a dollar), and I believe the " lackluster billfold" the narrator speaks of is part of a wallet. The object saying it is worth so much money, but is stuffed into a wallet and forgotten about leads me to infer that it could be an old and rather valuable form of currency that blends in, making the person "truly forget about me". Another option is a lottery ticket, the winning one too if its worth so much money, and people often put them into wallets and such and forget about them. These things lead me to conclude that the object is either an old coin, winning lottery ticket, or an old dollar.
to raise the prices of shipping goods to europe
B because the ppl r only listening to radio and it says they fine but they get deported to some where else and mouche goes silent the only reason he didn't die cause he was shot in the leg and played dead then hobbled back to the ppl and no one listened all that for nothing huh
What is the underlined word?