The independent variable is a variable that can be stood alone. So therefore, the independent variable would be how long it takes to parachute.
Antenatal clinic is a clinic that is involved in provision of care to pregnant mothers. They are given advise on nutrition that is the food to eat and the ones they are not supposed to eat among other advises. The care is provided by doctors, midwifes and nurses. Pregnancy is divided into trimester namely first trimester ( first 3 months), second trimester (middle three months) and third trimester (last three months of pregnancy). During the third trimester many changes may be observed and the nurses may report the following findings to the provider during this trimester; they include varicose veins, Hemorrhoids and lordosis (change in the curvature of the spine) which are normal however client teaching is recommended. In addition, the findings may include leg cramps (normal) and fainting spells not normal but may be felt when the client is rising.
The allele frequency changed
The light moths blended in with the light-colored trees. However, the Industrial Revolution changed the tree colors. After the pollution from the Industrial Revolution started affecting trees, most of the collected peppered moths were of the dark form.
But researchers in Israel have done a study showing that families have characteristic facial expressions, ones even shared by blind members of the families. The results suggests that such expressions may be inherited and thus under some genetic control.
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