Immunosuppressants, by it's name itself, suppresses or inhibits the immune system for functioning in a certain amount of time. It is administered usually during transplant surgeries, so that the new cells of the organ does not get killed by the recipient's immune system.
a. eukaryotes
b. unicellular
c. autotrophs; heterotrophs
Protists represent a separate kingdom of eukaryotic organisms (ie., organisms whose cells have a nucleus). The most important features of protists include: 1- they are unicellular organisms, 2-contain mitochondria, 3-can be parasites, and 4-generally live in optimal conditions in moist or aquatic environments. In the past, protists were divided into Protozoa (animal-like organisms) and Protophyta (plant-like organisms), which nowadays we know are heterotrophic (also often parasitic) and photosynthetic protists, respectively.