That’s nice :) have a good day or night
Republican economic policies are a focal point on what is good for businesses and investors. They are of the view that flourishing companies will boost economic growth for everyone.
The Republican Party's traditionalist policies engage in support for free-market capitalism, free enterprise, creating a good business environment that intern boosts the growth of the country. They have a good national defense policy which will focus on primary security of US citizen.
They want to protect the exploitation of labor so they advocated labor laws pertaining to present working conditions. They are concerned with various social issues namely abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, same-sex marriage, and traditional values, usually with a Christian foundation.
causes of the space race: sputnik, fear of being outdone
causes of the arms race: fear of being outdone, hydrogen bomb
athough Madison fared poorly during the war, the victories against Tecumseh and at New Orleans lifted American spirits and returned Madison to a high point of public respect. If nothing else, the war swelled national pride, broke the Indian threat in the Northwest, and reaped tremendous political benefits for those lucky enough to have fought and survived. The Battle of the Thames River alone, for example, was used to produce a President of the United States (Harrison), a vice president, three governors of Kentuc…
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