Governmental Religious Educational Economic and finally Family
here is an article as well you can look at
h t t p : / /w w w . b e a c o n l e a r n i n g c e n t e r . c o m / W e b L e s s o n s / G e o g r a p h i c a l T h e m e s / t h e m e p a g e s / i n s t i t u t i o n s . h t m l
Image shows black people voting, so the amendment to the US constitution that directly guarantees the right shown in that image is 15th. 15th amendment of the united states constitution granted the right for citizens to not be denied their right to vote by states or federal government based on their race or color.
The Charaka Samhita also includes sections on the importance of diet, hygiene, prevention, medical education, the teamwork of a physician, nurse and patient necessary for recovery to health.
Answer: A. Navajo Indians in the U.S. Marine Corps developed an unbreakable code using their native language.
Navajo is a language that is not written and is very complex with its incomprehensible syntax, tonal qualities and especially the dialects. That is the main reason that Navajo language was used to secure communications during the war.
1. I would say Beneficial because when he discovered the "west Indies" he brought back much treasures and gained spain lots of territory.
2. It would have been different because he could've just asked another country or he could have gave up and someone else might have found the new world.
3. This question is up to you...