La Ilustración fue un importante movimiento espiritual, ambientado a finales del siglo XVII y principios del XVIII. Este movimiento se observó primero en Inglaterra, luego en Francia y más tarde en otros países europeos y más allá, mientras preparaba el terreno para la Revolución Francesa. La Ilustración defendió la racionalidad y la fe en el progreso, pidiendo cambios en todos los aspectos de la actividad humana, en las instituciones sociopolíticas, la economía, la educación y la religión. Los pensadores ilustrados hablaron a favor de la libertad individual y en contra del dominio tiránico y la opresión de la Iglesia Católica Romana.
1. Because in the past 36 years, 200,000 people were killed and over 40,000 bodies haven't been identified, so Fredy Peccerelli and his team are on a mission to help I.D. all the unknown bodies.
2. They extract DNA from the bodies through the bones, then compare it to the DNA of a living family member to make sure the victim''s body belongs to that family.
3. They used it by searching through the military documents to find victims.
bodily kinesthetic
Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence can be said to be referred to that intelligence that gives people the ability to control different movements of their body and applying those skills to solve problems or create things.
People with kinestethic intelligence are usually good with their hands in a specific activity.
This ability can also be learnt over time by practising on improving the skills in such areas where kinestethic intelligence are applied. The best way to increase this intelligence is to start with basic exercises.
The following set of people; musicians, dancers, surgeons, artists among others are people whose abilities requires carry out delicate movements that involving precise control.
People with Kinesthetic intelligence have love for movement. They are often blessed with good motor skills and are very aware of their bodies. They learn best through movement.
Do you mean Sitters fort?