One disadvantage of being apart of a kingdom would be, they had no choice but to pay tribute, another would be that the men has to serve in the king's army.
One advantage was that the king provided protection for the conquered territory, another advantage would be that the armies made sure that the trade routes were safe, they kept out raiders and foriegn armie. Wars between small cities ended.
Answer: Performer and audience
What most film directors, script writers and editors focus on is how the performers can catch the attention of the audience. When there is no communication between the performers and the audience there would be no movies. So it all lies on the how the performers performs and if the audience would learn or enjoy it.
The answer is: They cut down trees for heating & building
Until today, the chinese government hasn't developed a sustainable plan to address the issue that arise from over exploitation of the environment.
Because of this, people and corporations in china often conduct unsafe measures when they cut down trees. They do not have to pay attention to the regeneration of the forest. Because of this, forestland has declined in eastern China.
the sin of abortion........
There is only 3 Phonemes in a dog