To Katy bshdjjdjrhe ehjejdid dhehsldk fbsbzbzbbz jdjxjxnxnnznzbzb jdnxnxx x x xnxbxbxnbxnxnx xnxbxbxnbxx jdkxkxkxkc nxnxnxnxnxn xjjxkckvg king.
The wind blows around the sand so no one grain of sand stays in the same place forever. The winds molds the sand dunes for a very short time
Mountains because when two tectonic plates interact they create mountains
The Eastern part of the African region is composed of a variety of traders and this has led to different developments and a mixture of different races including the Arabs, Africans and Persians. The cities in this area are rapidly growing, have been modernized with skyscrapers and huge buildings and also attracted many less fortunate people who ended up in slums. The answer is D.
pacific Ocean
The result: More volcanoes and earthquakes in places like California and Japan. For land-based volcanoes, Indonesia is the hotbed for fiery craters since it is part of the roughly 25,000 mile stretch circling the basin of the Pacific Ocean known 'ring of fire' where most active volcanoes lie
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