The claims of astrology are based on imagination rather than empirical evidence
In mid-ocean ridge areas, ocean water is cycled through the crust because of the high heat flow in the area. Water in the rock is heated over the magmas, rising up and drawing in cold water from the sides. This process is occurring all over the world, and is the primary means for maintaining ocean salinity in a relatively constant range over the long term, as elements in the sea water when it is heated react with the rocks. There is so much water flow, cumulatively over the entire world, that this process basically buffers ocean chemistry.
Obviously large increases or decreases in salinity can and do occur in isolated basins that do not have free exchange with the open oceans.
***see attached pic***
Some helpful tips:
The nucleus is always going to be the big, spherical shape.
The ER is always going to be a weird, folded looking structure attached to the nucleus (rough = has ribosomes on it which are usually represented by little dots, smooth = has no ribosomes on it aka no dots)
The GA looks like the ER but it is not going to be attached to the nucleus like the ER is.
The mitochondria is always going to be pill-shaped and have weird folds inside of it.
They are used as an indicator organism for pathogenic bacteria.
Coliforms are bacteria found in digestive tract of animals and humans. They are non-pathogenic, easy to culture and are used as an alternative indirect testing for presence of other microorganisms. Coliforms thrive in exact environmental conditions like other pathogenic bacteria, thus often used to indicate whether they are bacteria found in drinking water and swimming pools that might end up causing infections.
Therefore the existence of coliforms in water easily indicates feacal contamination.
Bipedal posture allowed arms to be free to develop and use tools.