¨More than half of the world’s population now live in urban areas — increasingly in highly-dense cities. However, urban settings are a relatively new phenomenon in human history. This transition has transformed the way we live, work, travel and build networks.¨
-Our World in Data
<em>Desde por volta de 700, "prisioneiros capturados nas guerras santas que expandiram o Islã da Arábia pelo norte da África e através da região do Golfo Pérsico" eram vendidos e usados como escravos. Durante os três impérios medievais do norte da África (séculos X a XV), o comércio de escravos foi largamente praticado.</em>
he can run for reelection if
D. the governor sits out for a minimum of 4 years before running again.
- Counterbalancing branches of government.
- Separation of powers among the three branches of government protected the rights of the people.
- Federalist supporters battled for a strong union and the adoption of the Constitution
- Federalists argued that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights because the new Constitution did not vest in the new government the authority to suppress individual liberties.
- Federalists further argued that because it would be impossible to list all the rights afforded to Americans, it would be best to list none.
The national assembly was formed by the representatives of the third estate because they wanted to revolt against the rights being given to the privileged section of the society that is the clergy and nobility.