Class versus individual characteristics: glass and tool marks versus fingerprints, hair and blood is an example of it. The items listed are things that are going to be mentioned in the chapter, which I think will present information that can help us understand criminal investigation better. We are going to learn how much Forensic files and DNA evidences are important in some criminal cases, as well as how all of the above data is collected in a crime scene.
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Agatha feels she has to run away to avoid marriage because she doesn't have a choice. She is not allowed to choose who she marries. This shows that in Ancient Greek culture marriages were arranged for the women. They were not given a choice to marry for love. Also, this shows that marriage is something that is expected once a person reaches a certain age.
D. a second tip for healthy eating is when students eat fruit and vegetables
Hayes Davis wrote this excellent poem regarding driving where the two main characters of the poem are the boy and his father. The father teaches the boy to drive. Explanation: The speaker talks about the confidence that the father has in his son and how on empty roads he lets him drive