Germany has allowed plenty of our citizens to move there.
Compared to United States, Germany has less strict border Regulation.
This make nations such as Germany or Canada became the hottest immigrant destination for those who seek to come, find new opportunities and compete for the better future
I believe the answer is: running the country more like a business
Because of this, Bill Clinton raise the amount of tax rate in order to obtain capital (just like how businesses issued shares) and used the budget to fund various government programs. On average, Bill Clinton managed to grow the economy for about 4% annually.
The scientist quoted above attempted to prove that:
- It took million of years in the formation of earth.
- The quote is from a book named Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell that was published in 1830. In this book, he has discussed about the changes occurred gradually in earth and its climate over a long period.
- As in his quote, he discussed about the movement of earth and then talks about marine animals embedded in the solid strata ( layer of a rock).
A soilder bad smells. Blood. Swords swinging Feels scared. To give his country more power. Power. Wealth. Land. He will have more resources after
The answer is C.
Hope that helps :)